Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Two upcoming antiX releases: 19.4 and 21

 antiX 19.4 and antiX 21 are currently test releases.  The antiX 19.4 test is an incremental update to antiX 19.3.  I do not expect that it will need a lot of work and testing.  There are just a few things that need fixing; several of them have already been fixed.

The antiX 21 effort, on the other hand, also depends on quite a bit of reworked infrastructure involving major updates to the next Debian release, and also to the fact that the current Gtk release is updating to Gtk+ 3.  The additional switch to Python 3 also takes a lot of rework, so this is a bit more of a work in progress.  Nevertheless, something that is not new to antiX is that whenever there is a new test release, quite a bit actually works long before everything is perfect, so these are outstanding examples of solid systems.  As good as they are, they'd be even better with more testing and testers to do the testing.

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